不但生活節奏比較以前快了很多(當然還未及香港的快),就連開車的壓力也增加不少。可能人口增加了,路上的車輛也多了。以前你開車想過線,隔鄰尾隨的車輛一定慢下來,禮讓一個空檔給你順利又安全過線。現在呢?你打了指揮燈示意想過線的話,後隨的車就踏盡油門搶前,為恐你的車子阻他/她前進。如果你是等待交通燈的第一輛車,一轉綠燈,稍為慢了一兩秒開車,後面的車就響號催促。要打醒十二個精神。若不,響號會嚇你一跳。現今,毫不 peaceful 了。
順便一提,前天美國加州發生大車禍,驚動國際。一司機打 911求救說,他的車子不停加速,他不能停下來。最後,說完那句:他就快到十字路口,祈禱啦。。。就沒訊號。後來調查發現,司機位的地氈頂著油門,令汽車以時速近二百公里,失事衝落去水道。死者包括一對夫婦,他們的十三歲女兒,以及另一名家人。那部車是豐田 Toyota.
Yes, there are a lot of people in Brisbane.
回覆刪除Every Sunday, there is a traffic jam near sunnybank!
To Michael,
回覆刪除I'm quite hesitate to go to sunnybank at weekends because of the heavy traffic. :p
I absolutely agree with you there. I've been in Brisbane for almost 19 years and there has certainly been a lot of changes since then. I still remember back many years ago (maybe 15 yrs+), when city doesn't open for trade on Sunday. I can walk down Queen's Street Mail & not see a soul. Look at the mail now!!! And I think the people in Brisbane is becoming more & more rude now. Oh well, nothing much we can do about that!!
回覆刪除To Frank,
回覆刪除Very true, we can't do anything about these changes.
People are getting impatient and rude on the road. We're all paying the price of civilization.