[這篇文章轉載自基絲汀Yahoo blog, Nov 1, 2007]

其後,羅馬人又把他們慶祝豐收的節日與凱爾特族的節日結合起來。羅馬天主教把11月1日定為萬聖節,轉為紀念天主教諸聖人。說先前有鬼節,後有萬聖節(All Hallows Day, 或 All Saints’ Day)”Hallow” 即「聖徒」的意思。“Halloween”即 “The Eve of All Saints’ Day” .
從教育角度看,萬聖節根本沒有任何教育意義。而且前夕活動蘊藏不少邪惡的意識和惡作劇意念。小孩子可以節日理由,逐家拍門討糖果吃,威脅說﹕「請吃糖,不然就搗亂」(Trick or treat).
時至今日,可能少了孩子玩這個 Trick or treat遊戲,但人們慶祝的時候,還是玩威嚇,或是作弄別人的各種遊戲。被作弄的人也要因節日的理由而接受。
My family and I do not celebrate Halloween either (we live in the US). We also teach our kids about the origin of Halloween and that it is not something a Christian should do.
回覆刪除hi Christine,
回覆刪除this is an excellent article, thanks for sharing. excellent material for a lot of parents to share with their kids. to be honest, even a lot of adults have not idea what the halloween is all about.
as christian, i have learned not to celebrate this festival even since, and sure share this knowledge with my husband and teach our daughter since she start to ask me what is halloween. unfortunately my sister in law she is not believer, even she is a catholic like most of the european, they look at halloween is a tradition or a festival like carnival when partying with funny clothes or custom. and overlooked the meaning of it. follow it blindly to the trends. she even bought my daughter a custom in this February already, a cat custom for carnival and a spider web dress for halloween. so i have explained to my daughter, we are not celebrating halloween and she told me that she believes in God and God doesn't like devil things. this is all about commercial.
nowadays, if one not talking about halloween sound is very outdate. this is so commercializes that even in school, the craft, the halloween theme is over harvesting theme for october, i am working in a creche, kids are few months to 4 years old. they have not choice but to follow, making spider web, halloween pumpkins card.... and me, also not choice but have to make some bake goodies - meringue with 2 little eyes, and cupcake with spider web icing on the top (this is maximum i can do against my christian point of view) with halloween theme for the festival today.... !! i even have a invitation to go to a play land with my daughter today, but when i found out that the play land has halloween celebration today, i simple tell my friend that we don't attend because we don't celebrate halloween. if not all but as least most of the commerces are using halloween as theme and the pastry shops can't avoid either..., farmer has to name their pumpkin 'halloween pumpkin' to put in the market!!!! i ordered box of sugar will turn out delivery a box o sugar with halloween theme on it. so it is up to us to draw a line on it....
indeed, on this page you are posting this article, on the side column advertisement is link to halloween candy and decorations...
that why it is so important to teach ourself and our kids not to follow the current, the trend blindly .
thanks again Christine,
in Christ,
Is all about "successful" marketing from Ocean Park, didn't we almost forget this date in early 2000? And now Disneyland either. So, we become focus in this hot event.
回覆刪除Hi Christine,
回覆刪除Greetings from Los Angeles!
My wife and I don't observe Thanksgiving either. However, last November our Christian friend emailed us something that I would like to share with you and others:
"Being a Christian is like being a pumpkin. God lifts you up, takes you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He opens you up, touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff-- including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside you to shine for the world to see."
BTW, thank you for your recipe postings. It was from your “蓮藕炆腩排” and “豬腳薑醋【奶奶的口傳食譜】” online recipes that I found your blog.
In Christ,
Francis - A man who loves 豬腳薑 since his childhood :)